101: juicing (without a juicer)

While I never make New Year’s resolutions, there ARE times of year that evoke the need for change. Sometimes it’s just a tweak, other times it’s major.

This fall I’ve taken stock of the major life shifts around me (girl moved out, boy #1 heading to college, boy #2 off to kindergarten), and am trying to embrace it all with a few self-improvements:

Getting back to yoga (after a 6-year hiatus).

Reading books again (still horrified at my way-too-long lapse, and actually got a jump on this one over the summer).

Staying healthy.

While I exercise regularly and get a decent amount of sleep each night, I cannot escape a winter without being felled by some “mystery” ailment. Not the flu, not exactly a cold, just a sort of undefined malaise that lingers/diminishes/returns again almost all winter long.

I’m woefully lacking in the amount of fruits and veggies I personally eat each day, and have toyed with the idea of getting a juicer to help me out. The concept of getting a day’s worth of produce in a drink or two was very appealing to me, but I’ve really tried to draw the line on single-use tools, appliances and gadgets.

So when the folks at Williams-Sonoma invited me to particpate in their “Juices That Bite Back” week, I initially thought, well, there goes that – I don’t have a juicer! But then I ALSO thought, do you really NEED a juicer to make juice?

And the answer is: NO.

I quickly got to work.

I knew just the kind of juice I wanted to create – a concoction of grapefruit, ginger, carrots, lemon and cayenne. I’ve relied for years on this drink to soothe when I’m feeling under the weather, and I wanted a pumped up version for my juice.

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

I was a bit leery, as I’ve never “juiced” before – but I have to say that this was something I would totally drink again and again.

And look what’s in it!

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

The cayenne and ginger give a subtle, yet much needed kick. And the citrus fruits make the carrots go from bland to bracing. Best of all, I was able to use my trusty blender – winning!

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

Do any of you juice? Do you have a juicer, or do you use your blender or food processor? And now that I’m officially hooked, what are some of your favorite combinations?

grapefruit carrot ginger juice

Grapefruit, Carrot Ginger Juice

2-3 pink grapefruits, peeled and sectioned
3-5 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
2″ piece of ginger, peeled (read here for how to preserve leftover ginger)
pinch of cayenne (or more, to taste)
1/4 – 1/2 c. water

wedge of lemon

Place the grapefruit, carrots and ginger into your blender. Add 1/4 c. water and blend. Add more water, a bit at a time, till you get a smooth, pourable consistency.

Pour into a strainer set over a small bowl or measuring cup. Strain, using the back of a spoon if needed to extract all of the juice. Refrigerate till chilled and transfer to a glass. Squeeze a little lemon in just before serving.

(print this recipe)

This delicious recipe brought to you by Sheri Silver

Note: I wrote this post as part of Williams-Sonoma’s Juice Week. The challenge was to create a  juice recipe that showcases a wild or spicy ingredient. I was not compensated for my time, and do not benefit from your purchasing a juicer or blender.

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  1. Carol Papalas on September 8, 2014 at 1:31 pm

    So, I would think that there’s nutrition in the pulp. I would like to add it to yogurt, or just keep some of it in the juice. My friends add kale to their juices. Maybe a softer green like dandelion or chard would work better in a blender. I don’t like ginger, and would add yogurt and cinnamon or nutmeg.

    • sherisilver on September 8, 2014 at 7:50 pm

      I hear you about the pulp – but I’m thrilled at the prospect of drinking ANY kind of fruits and veggies! 🙂

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